Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving ~ #thanksgiving,#gratitude,#tweenblogging,#tweengirls

Have a fabulous Thanksgiving! Things to be thankful for: *food *clothes *freedom *love *a place to live *family *friends Marie :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Uggs ~ #uggs,#boots,#tweens,#tweenfashion #girlsboots,#tweenblogging

How do you like these uggs girls? Four different colors and they are a pop of fashion! They cost a lot...wonder how warm they are. Keep warm, Marie

Monday, November 19, 2012

Friends ~ #friends,#tweens,#tweengirls,#tweengirls,#adolescence

Has a friend ever embarrassed you? Did you tell them about it later? Talk to them about it.They may not know that they were acting weird. Happy Monday! Marie

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Holy tomato! Speak up! #communication,#tweenblogs,#tweengirls,

Khali squinted her eyes from the glare of the bright sun as she walked into her home after school on Monday.She had to tell her mom that her purse was stolen out of the girl's dressing room in the gym. *(what happened) After gym class, Khali and her friend Vanessa were going to a meeting at 5th period.It was a meeting with Mrs.Morris(the school secretary)to talk about decorating the front office for the holidays.Khali and Vanessa's Math teacher said that the girls could help Mrs.Morris if they finished their Math test early.Five were chosen in all,4 girls and 1 boy. After gym class was over, it was time to go to the office and help put up decorations.Vanessa told Khali that she was going to leave her backpack and purse on a bench in the girl's dressing room in the gym.Vanessa said that her stuff would be fine there.It was the last gym class for the day and the coach had left.Khali thought that someone may come in and steal their belongings. Khali didn't want to be different from Vanessa and the other girls.Khali just went with the crowd and left her purse and sweater on the aluminum bench in the corner. The girls and the one boy finshed hanging the garland and ornaments on the desks and walls in the front office.Khali and Vanessa laughed because the scotch tape kept sticking to their fingers. The bell rang.It was time for the girls to pick up their things and walk home.They opened the door to the dressing room. Khali,Vanessa and the other 2 girls stood still for a second.They could not believe their eyes!They saw their opened backpacks thrown on the floor.Books,pens,and notebook paper was scattered everywhere! The girls shouted,"Oh No !!!!,Holy Tomato!!! What happened???!!!! Their purses were gone! Their free passes to the football game on Friday were in their purses.Khali's purse was gone and she had $5 in cash in her wallet. The girls picked up their books and what was left of their supplies and rushed to report the theft to the assistant principal. "Why would someone do this?", they kept asking themselves. Khali walked up the step to go to her house.She did not have her house key because it was in her purse!!! Luckily,she knew that her mom put a spare house key by the plant. "What a bum day!",she thought. She was irritated with herself because she KNEW that she shouldn't have left her purse in that dressing room! "I'm going to follow my OWN mind next time.Then won't have to go through all of this trouble!!" Whereever there are people, there are those who steal. Khali learned this lesson the hard way... sweet communicating, Marie

Thursday, November 15, 2012

You are a bright FLOWER~ #tweens,#tweengirls,#flowers,#selfesteem

You are a beautiful bright flower! Stand tall and continue to bloom! If they say "you can't", Tell them "I will!" Keep loving yourself, Marie

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Jamie ~ #tweens,#tweengirls,#friends,#tweenblogs,#adolescence

The cool girl ~ Jamie She tried making friends all day, Some would go And some would stay Walking with a long stride, Her eyes were gleaming And her smile was wide Her books in one hand; the cell in the other, told she was a princess, especially by her mother Jamie got their numbers while on the floor, In the gym, at lunch, After school and more didn’t want to be in the circle of just 3 friends, she had a lot to share with others so following others had to end. ~Marie Brewer, (share your words with a new friend today)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

she cut in line! #tweens #tweenblogs #friends #tweengirls #charactereducation

Tina and Emily were excited to go to a concert of one of their favorite bands: "One Direction" They had won tickets for correctly answering 5 questions about the band on a local tv show.They could not wait!Some other girls at their middle school were going also. Finally, the day of the concert came.Emily's mom dropped the girls off and they got in line at the stadium.Two girls from school called Tina on her phone and asked where they were.Tina told them that they were near the entrance. Emily and Tina looked around and the two girls had skipped the long line and got in line with them.Tina looked at Emily and a funny feeling came over them.They could not believe that the girls had cut the line and were laughing about it. After people complained,security came and put the girls who cut at the end of the line. Emily and Tina shrugged their shoulders.Emily told Tina that she would not like it if someone cut in front of her. The girls enjoyed the concert,took pictures and told their friends all about it on Monday. Have you ever skipped someone in line? How would you feel if a stranger did it to you and your friends?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Friend Story ~ #friends,#friendship #tweenblogs,#adolescence

Missi was friends with Colleen,(the new girl at school)Missi would often see Colleen in the cafeteria and after school while waiting on the bus. Colleen had 4 brothers and 1 other sister in her household,in addition to her parents.They had just moved to Los Angeles from Honduras.Colleen spoke Spanish but was learning English. Missi did not live close to Colleen but she decided to be friends with her. Missi knew how it felt to be the new girl in school and in a neighborhood.Colleen did not have nice clothes to wear to school.Sometimes she wore the same shirt for two days in a row.This did not matter to Missi.She liked talking to Colleen and learning about her family and her culture.They ate fried plantains in her country.They also ate beans,rice,tortillas and coconut. There were days when Colleen did not have a pencil for class.Colleen gave Missi a beautiful bracelet that was made in Honduras.Missi would buy extra fruit or a snack and share it with Colleen during lunch time.The girls would laugh and talk and Colleen would teach Missi Spanish words such as: "comida" means food.Missi wondered how it would feel to live in a country where most of the people spoke Spanish.Missi thought that she would feel isolated and left out.Wow...Missi would freak out! Missi felt good about having a friend like Colleen.She told her mom that it was fun to learn about other kids.... especially kids that are different from herself! make a new friend... Sweet talk, Marie