Showing posts with label self image. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self image. Show all posts
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Thursday, December 19, 2013
"For Smart Girls Only" by Marie Brewer,#ebooks, #booksforgirls, #tweens, #kindlebooks
Here is a 4-Star book for girls,(on Amazon and $1.99 Kindle) It is a good read.
Relax and have fun during the holidays! Stay cool! Marie
Sunday, December 15, 2013
What are you expecting for Christmas? Happy Holidays! #Christmas, #holidays, #gifts
What's on your shopping list this December? Are you giving gifts of receiving them?
It doesn't always take money to give a gift.
~ A handmade card, a warm smile, kind words, a favorite cookie,
gloves that you don't wear, lip gloss from the drugstore, and compliments are some of the BEST gifts!
Happy Holidays! Marie
Thursday, June 6, 2013
"I know who I am!" #selfimage, #obesity,#exercise, #fitness,#selfesteem #littlemix
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Cherokee denim jacket ~ #tweenfashion, #denimjacket,#cherokee,#pink, #pinkdenim,
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Girls' Superman Graphic Tee,##superman,#teeshirts,#tweenfashion,#tweens,#tweenblogs,#fashion
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Happy Sunday! #love, #selfimage, #selfconfidence,#selfesteem #tweenblogs
Hi girls,
Have a happy Sunday and enjoy the day!
Know that you are one of kind.
You are loved! Yes, you are! You have so much to give to others...
good thoughts, Marie
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Your light ~ #inspiration,#kindness,#tweenblogs,#tweengirls,#
Do something kind today:
*hold a door open for someone
*tell your teacher that he/she looks nice
*tell your parents that you love them
*say "excuse me" and "thank you" when necessary
Kind acts make your light shine! Girls rock!
~~ Marie
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
Monday talk ~ #monday,#tweenblogging,#tweengirls,#motivation,#adolescence
Have a blast today!
*practice listening to every word
*make eye contact
*say "thank you" to someone
*put a crazy smile on for 1 minute
*do 20 jumping jacks or stretch your body
*eat some of those green vegetables that you don't like(come on!)
*write about something that is special to you
Sweet Day!, Marie
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Marisol's new day ~ #tweenblogging,#tweengirls,#hispanic,#tweengirls,#selfimage,#peerpressure
Marisol was in 6th grade.She loved when Saturday and Sunday came around.School was not a happy place for Marisol and she did not tell her parents why school was so awful for her.
Marisol was born in Mexico and her family moved to San Diego when she was in kindergarten.Her kindergarten teacher was so nice and learning was so much fun with Mrs.Cook.The teacher taught her how to read,count,paint pictures,and sing songs.Marisol smiled and gave her teacher a hug every day as she left the classroom to go home.
Things had changed now.Marisol had begun to grow very fast in third and fourth grade.She was taller than all of the girls and most of the boys as she entered 6th grade.She was 5 feet,2 inches tall and wore a size 7 shoe. Marisol was different and wanted to fit in with the other girls.Her mother told her that she must not worry about how tall she was.She told Marisol that she had to learn to like her body.No matter how she tried to believe her mother,she knew what was waiting for her at school. Some of the boys and girls had begun to point and whisper about her in class and in the hallway.Marisol could hear them call her "bigfoot" as she walked into the classroom.She would often ignore them.At home, she would go to her room and cry.
One day,Marisol and one of her friends were coming out of the school cafeteria when Coach Stevens stopped her.Coach Stevens was the basketball coach of the 7th/8th grade girl's team.She needed a tall girl to rebound the basketall during the games. She asked Marison if she wanted to try out for the team. Marisol was surprised and excited and told her that she would ask her parents if it was okay. She had not played basketball before! Yeah! This was something new and she wanted to go for it!
That night,Marisol asked her parents if she could try out for the team.Her parents told her she could if she wanted to.They also told her to keep making good try grades.Marisol was happy and talked to the coach the next day that she wanted to try out for the team.
Marisol made the team and practiced after school for the next three weeks.She played in her first game and her parents rushed home after work to go to the games.They were so proud of her!
Playing basketball with the other girls made her feel so good and she liked being a part of a group.The team got along real good and she went to parties and sleepovers with some of the team members.
Today,Marisol still hears the kids call her "bigfoot" and other ugly names.But now it did not bother her.She had new thoughts about her height.Her new thoughts about herself were so cool.They made her understand something.She understood that she was tall and "so what?".Marisol saw herself in a new way, the way she felt in kindergarten with Mrs.Cook.
Marisol knew that she was a STAR and had skills.The ugly words were just that... just words,not fact!
Keep smiling, Marie
Friday, November 23, 2012
Earrings ~ #tweenfashion,#tweenshopping,#tweengirls,#earrings,#claires
Check out this ear candy from Claire's. Do you like the strawberries or the pink pig? Both are adorable and great for gifts or for yourself! Happy break-from-school! Marie
Thursday, November 15, 2012
You are a bright FLOWER~ #tweens,#tweengirls,#flowers,#selfesteem
You are a beautiful bright flower!
Stand tall and continue to bloom!
If they say "you can't", Tell them "I will!"
Keep loving yourself, Marie
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
express yourself ~ #tweens,#tweengirls,#tweenblogs
express yourself!
listen to others!
thank a teacher!
encourage someone on your team!
give yourself a pat on the back!
Power to the girl! Sweet energy, Marie
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
fashion trends ~ #tweens,#tweenfashion,#fallfashion,#girlsclothes
Wear the fashion that best fits you and your body.
Every girl has likes and dislikes in clothes.
If it looks good on someone else, it may not be flattering to your body.
Choose your fashion taste that pleases you and then, rock it!
Friday, October 26, 2012
go for it! #motivation,#quotes,#inspiration,#tweens,#tweenblogs
Have a super Friday!
"When a task has once begun,
never stop until it's done,
Be it great or be it small,
do it well or not at all."
Keep going! Sweet thoughts, Marie :)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Hey, Are you REALLY my friend? #friends #tweens
(glove is at J C Penny)
Friends are cool! We need good friends! Great friends are even cooler!
Girls and their friends may like to go to sleepovers,listen to music,and hang out at the mall together.
Have you ever spent time with someone who you thought was your friend? Then,something happened and you had to let them go. Yes,that happens.Maybe there was a disagreement or they spilled private information.Why did she do that???!!!
Take your time and choose friends carefully.Check them out and watch their actions. If you start to see things that may not be quite right,you may want to touch the pause button.
So, have fun,listen,and make new friends as often as you like! A good friend is priceless!
Keep it sweet, Marie
Saturday, October 13, 2012
What's cool about Justin? #justinbieber #tweens,#tweenblogging,#justinbieber
Yes, Justin Bieber has star power!!He sings songs that thrill us and the dance moves are so cool! Justin likes to help others,too.That gives him extra points in the adorable box!
What do you like most about Justin? If you ever met him face to face,what would you say?
sweet thoughts,Marie
Monday, October 8, 2012
fitness tip ~ #exercisetips #tweens,#tweenblogging
Fitness tips ~
*go walking with your friends or parents after school.Walking is good for the body.
*play outdoor games with your siblings or friends
*walk or run with the dog.
*jump rope ~ Jumping rope is a good cardio exercise.It gets the heart pumping!
*Try a new exercise that you have never done before: soccer,karate,skating,baseball,dodgeball,basketball,swimming,or table tennis may be fun to try!
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Marissa's bubble gum ~ #tweens,#peerpressure
Marissa and Devon looked at different flavors of bubble gum as they walked up to the counter of the local convenience store in their neighborhood.Marissa was allowed to stop by the store one day a week to spend part of her weekly allowance.Devon did not receive an allowance,so Marissa shared her bubble gum with her.They loved blowing bubbles and tried to see who could blow the most enormous bubble.
They saw cherry,watermelon,kiwi fruit,orange,tuti fruiti,coconut,grape,peppermint,ice cream,lime,pineapple,chocolate,and lemon bubble gum.It looks like the store had a new flavor of bubble gum.It was pink lemonade and sugar free.So Marissa bought one package for herself and one for Devon.Marissa's mom told her to eat dinner before she chewed the gum.Devon walked home.A few minutes later Devon called Marissa and told her to bring the gum to school tomorrow.Marissa knew the classroom rules....No chewing gum in class!Afterall,Marissa had an "excellent" in school conduct and following the school rules. She thought about it and agreed to bring the sugar free gum.She had no intention of chewing it in class.Marissa put the gum in her bag that night so that she would not forget to bring it.
The next day Marissa sat by Devon in Science class.They had just finished an experiment when Devon pulled Marissa over to the side.Devon put her hand in her jean pocket and pulled out the pink lemonade gum.She told Marissa that the teacher would not care if they chewed the gum.Marissa said,"no!" Devon looked around to see if the teacher was watching.Then she slipped the square of gum into her mouth.She was careful that no one noticed.Marissa told her that she was going to get caught.
Class was almost over.Devon still had the bubble gum in her mouth and kept telling Marissa to chew her gum. Marissa gave in and took it out of her bag.She slowly lifted the gum to her mouth.Then it happened!The teacher looked up at that exact second to ask Marissa for her worksheet.The teacher asked,"What is that in your mouth,Marissa?"
Marissa had to confess."It's gum." Her teacher was disappointed and told Marissa that she took 10 points off of her conduct for the 9 weeks.
Gosh! Marissa was angry with herself.She knew the rules and still listened to her friend......Now she had a spot on her perfect conduct grade. Blah! "never again, I will used my brain and think before I act!", she promised herself.
Pick sweet friends, Marie
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