Saturday, April 5, 2014

Flower love ~ #flowers #Spring, #girls #tweens #tweengirls #April

350cb7b1ed42eac138dc4870068b6181a3ad8dc7b2489e54ab How is everything going girls? I hope the Winter was not too bad and the weather where you live is getting warmer. It was a nice Spring day here in Houston... with a few clouds. Don't you love the days that are filled with sunshine? You can go outside, spend time with pets, friends and family. As Spring moves along, we will begin to see lots of flowers growing and beautifying spaces all around! Not only do they look good, they often have a good smell. Those who have allergies may be allergic to the pollen. It so, they can make their own special flowers from colored tissue paper. If you like, pick some flowers and give them to someone that you love! Have a fun Sunday! You are a rock star! Marie

Sunday, March 30, 2014

watermelon ~ #watermelon #fruit #melon #snacks #food #tweens #nutrition #blogsforgirls, #blogs

Sweet Sunday girls! What is your favorite snack or dessert? Do you like sweet or salty snacks? If you enjoy the sweet taste, you may want to add more watermelon to your menu. Watermelon has lots of vitamin C,natural sugars, and is good for the heart. Ice box watermelons usually are about 5 to 15 pounds. However, in the Guinness World Book of records, Bill Rogerson of North Carolina grew a 279 pound watermelon! Now, that is huge! How many people would it take to eat that one? There are different kinds of watermelon, just as there are different types of trees. The flesh of the watermelon can be red, orange, and sometimes yellow. Some have seeds and some do not. Most of us take the seeds out before we eat the watermelon. I know some people who dry the seeds and then use them for art work. There are many ways to use the fruit, such as popsicles, watermelon lemonade, watermelon cookies, and watermelon cake. Google "watermelon uses" to find more uses. So, while you are enjoying apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, or strawberries ... Don't forget about the delectable watermelon!! Hug your beautiful and kind self today!! :) Marie

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Crafting ~ #crafting, #girls #tweens #creative #tweenblogs, #flower, #ladybug

Hi girls, I hope school is going well for you and that you are participating in lots of different activities. Do you like art and crafts? Crafting can be fun if you like working with your hands. You can pick your favorite colors and create all sorts of things: belts, purses, hair bands, scarves, rings, bracelets, or a cute picture for your wall. Lots of people shop at Hobby Lobby and Michaels for their craft projects. Is the flower or lady bug your favorite from the photo above? Make something beautiful! Marie