Saturday, March 15, 2014

Photo of a water drop ~ #art #photography, #tweens, #tweenblogs, #color

Hi Girls, I hope you are enjoying your Spring Break! (or have already enjoyed it) Take a look at this photo of water. It is fantastic photography, don't you think? Do you like art, drawing, painting, or coloring? Creativity and imagination are your best friends! Remember to love yourself!! Marie

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Turkey Burger ~ #turkeyburger, #burgers, #tweengirls, #blogsforgirls, #tweens, #food

Hey Girls, do you like turkey burgers? Do you think this one looks delicious? Sometimes when we see or smell good food, we want to go out and get it immediately! Oh Yum! There are a lot of different types of burgers that people make.Fish, chicken, bar-be-cue, beef, pork, quinoa, etc. Some girls like mustard, cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise, onions, pickles, or sauces on their burgers. Then, there are some who only want the meat and bun. Stay healthy and happy munching! Hugs, Marie :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Skating ~ #skating, #rollerskating, #tweengirls, #sports, #tweenblogs, #middleschool, #skatingrinks

Hi girls! Do you like skating? It can be fun,but you have to have good balance. It takes a lot of practice to be great at skating! Have you tried roller skating and ice skating? Everyone has different talents and skills.It you can't skate well, do what you enjoy doing and don't stress over it! Keep moving and keep on being cool, Marie :o)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Pets ~ #pugs #dogs #pets #tweenblogs #girls #tweengirls #tweens

Look at this cute little Pug! Dogs can make good pets and they are so loveable everyday! Dogs can be sweet pets. They don't care if you have had a bad day or made a bad grade in school. They are happy to see you when you come home and greet you with their bright eyes! Hug a pet today! Marie

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Tween Birthday ~ #birthdayparty #tweensbirthday #birthday, #parties, #tweens #tweengirls #happybirthday

Hello girls, do you or any of your friends or family have a birthday coming up? Will you have a simple party or a big one? Here are pictures of a punky princess birthday party for tween girls. Have a happy Sunday and give yourself a hug! You are a rock SYAR!!! Hugs, Marie

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Girl's bedroom ~#bedroomfurniture, #girlsrooms #bedrooms #tweensbedroom #tweengirls, #tweenblogs, #decorate

Bedrooms are a place to relax, talk on the cellphone, and hang out with friends. Some girls may eat or watch T V in their bedrooms. Do you think this bedroom is cool? How do you like the colors? What do you like about your bedroom? Do you like the pink or purple the best? Do you share a bedroom with someone? Happy day, Marie Brewer :)

Monday, February 10, 2014

journals ~ #journals, #journalwriting, #writing, #tweens, #tweengirls, #tweenblogs

Have a fantastic Monday girls! Do you all have a journal? You can decorate them any way that you wish and it is a great way to express your thoughts! Hugs, Marie

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Typewriter ~ #typewriters, #pink, #tweens, #tweengirls, #tweenblogs,#girls,#vintage

How is your day going girls? I'm sure your look forward to the weekends! Here is a pink typewriter. Some people call it vintage or old. Before we had the keyboard, people typed letters, books, reports, notes, and such... Do you think it is cool? Happy Saturday and oh yeah, Have Fun! No troubles! It is a beautiful world~ Hugs, Marie

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Banana smoothie with coconut and mango ~ #smoothie, #healthy #glutenfree, #tweens #tweenblogs

Hello girls, I sure hope your week is going well! Do you like smoothies? They can really fill you up and boost your energy in the morning. Do you drink them with cow's milk, almond milk, or coconut milk? What's your favorite? chocolate, banana, green (with spinach or kale),pineapple, strawberry, blueberry, or your own special creation. Yum! Marie

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Converse sneakers ~ #shoes, #pinkshoes, #converse , #tweengirls

Here are some Converse shoes for girls/ladies. Many people think that Converse is a very comfortable shoe. Pink is popular, but choose the color that you like! Click on the picture (Amazon) to find them. Happy shopping! You are a STAR! Hugs, Marie

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

"Lady" the dog ~ #dogs #pets #animals #picturebooks

Do you like pets? If so, are dogs or cats your favorite? Here is my dog named "Lady". Here is a picture of her looking at a giraffe in an animal book. She loves everybody and is a good friend! Marie

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Style Lab Makeover ~ (use with Nintendo DSi), #makeover, #gamesforgirls, #stylemakeover #girlmakeovers #tweens, #tweengirls

Play Style Makeover game ~ •Use your mini-game points to go shopping for new beauty products and send them to friends. •Become part of the game by taking your picture with the Nintendo DSi and using it to create your own face in the game and then find the perfect styles to suit your facial features. •Transform yourself by taking on beauty challenges to improve your skills, which will earn you points and rewards, and by learning tips and tricks that you can use in real life. •Discover your own unique style with personality tests and in-game expert recommendations, then unleash your creativity in Free Mode, where your imagination has no limits. •Take pictures of your friends and give them makeovers with your new expertise. You have great style! Marie