Friday, February 1, 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013

cutting ~ #booksforgirls,#cutting,#selfmutilation,#tweenblogging,#middleschool,#

Hi girls! Let's talk about cutting.This is not cutting paper,tape,cloth, or a string.This cutting deals with cutting yourself with a sharp instrument.Why would anyone do such a thing? Sometime it is because they fell sad or worthless. It may be because they are having problems with their parents,friends,or issues with school. If you know someone who "cuts", please tell them that there is help out there.There are nurses,counselors,books, and family who can bring them out of the dark and into the light!Tell them to take that step forward! Marie Brewer

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday is magnificent ! #monday, #advice,#tweens,#tweenblogs,#Monday

Have a beautiful Monday~ Monday is the start of the school week and sometimes it is hard getting out of the bed.The alarm goes off and you are still tired and sleepy.... I know. Shake it off,take a deep breath and find your energy! Concentrate on the good that will happen today .... and get rid of the Monday blues! Do your best on this Monday and on each day of the week! Monday can be the best day ever!! Marie

Saturday, January 26, 2013

nail candy ~ #nailpolish,#nailcandy,#fingernailpolish,#neon,#beautysupplies,,#nailsupplies

Oh, look at these soulful colors!What is your special nail color? yellow, pink, lime green, blue, clear, purple, or glitter? Polish protects your nails so that they don't become weak and brittle.Sometimes weak nails may chip or break...and that can ouch!! Let your sister,cousin, or friend polish your nails for you.Then, you can return the favor~~ If you don't have a nail dryer,fan, or blow dryer ~ put your fingers in the sunlight and wha-la!! They are dry and you are looking pretty. Oh and don't worry about matching the color to your outfit....Use your own unique style!! color your world, Marie Brewer

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

communicate ~ #communication,#tweens,#tweengirls,#selfesteem

Hi girls! Tell someone how you really feel today! Some examples: ~ if you don't like her shirt, if you are asked you opinion...then say "not so much!" ~ if you don't like pizza and cheeseburgers... then say' "No, thanks!" ~ if your friend has the flu and wants you to come to her house...say "I'm sorry, but something has come up and I can't make it this evening." ~ if you fall down flat on your face at school in front of everybody... say, "Oh, get a grip!If you had an ounce of kindness,you would be helping me pick these books up!" ~ if you want to take karate classes instead of ballet... then tell them! They may understand and agree with you! Tell it!... if you don't, who will? Marie

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hello Kitty ~ #hellokitty,#headphones,#kidsheadphones,#tweens,#tweenblogging

(at Target) Hey girls, Hope you had a fantastic holiday yesterday. It's back to the books today! It may seem a little boring to some of you now, but keep on learning! You will be glad that you did! Hello Kitty has so many products out there today.The company makes everything from purses and lip gloss to lunch bags! How do you like these pink and black Hello Kitty head phones? Keeping up with big fashion ~ Marie Brewer

Saturday, January 19, 2013

So much pressure ! #friends,#peerpressure,#adolescence,#tweenblogs,

What is peer pressure? It is when your friends would like for you to do the same things they are doing! You may really want to have those same behaviors....or you may not want to behave like that! When you feel PRESSURED to do something that you normally would NOT do, Or you want to FIT IN and be like everyone else in the group..... that is peer pressure!! (Do you want to jump in the river just because everyone else does?) Okay, pretty,smart girls!! Be your OWN person,~ Marie

Thursday, January 17, 2013

denim jacket ~ #denimjacket,#outerwear,#cherokee,#jackets

(from Target) Hi girls! How are you keeping warm this winter? Sweaters, coats, jackets,ski jackets, leather, and capes are always good fashion choices! Keep it stylish ~ Marie Brewer :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

crafting ~ #artsandcrafts,#diy,#crafting,#crafts,#ducttape,#decorating

( at Office Max) Do you or someone you know love to decorate? Why not use your creative sense and make something pretty with duct tape... It's cheap,durable,waterproof and looks so cool~ Happy crafting! Marie

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fitness tips ~ #exercise,#fitnesstips,#zumba,#fitness,#tweens,#tweengirls

Hey now! Make sure you get your exercise in today girls! Fitness tips for tween girls: ~ Write down your workout activity on your calendar in your room or locker.This will help you to remember what you had planned for each day of the week! These should be activities that you like to do! ~ You can sort your exercise into 2 workout sessions.For example: The upper body workout can be done on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays would be the days for the lower body exercises. Things won't be so boring if you change it up! ~ If the body feels good, the mind will too! ~ GO! Marie